Sunday, October 11, 2015


After a lovely service all about thankfulness and some ministry time afterwards, I am simply grateful. Thankful for the overflowing blessings in my life. For family, friends, and fellowship. For my parents, four sisters and their husbands/fiancees/boyfriends, brother and his new girlfriend. For my many friends and colleagues, for the body of Christ, and for those I know outside the fold who are also God's children. For joy, love, grace, and all the fruits of the Spirit, gifts I have been given, and assignments against me that have been cancelled, and rendered null and void.

For my church family, and for the other churches I have benefited from spiritually. For so many blessings I cannot count them. For God stopping me in my tracks, and saying "Walk this way; this is the good path."

For all that is good, pure, and lovely. For the beauty in God's world in people, places, vegetation verdant with life, animals, and beautiful waters. The peace of a babbling brook, the majesty of an ocean teeming with life, the wonder of the mountains and valleys. For the dappled light streaming through the autumn-crowned trees. For the glory of a sunset or sunrise, for the reminder of the rainbow, for God's covenant with man.

I pray you too may bubble over gratitude on this Thanksgiving weekend for our great land. I am thankful to live here, where there is freedom and peace, however much we may be divided at times. I am grateful for those who have died that we might live here, for those who continue to keep the, at times fragile, peace and safety we now enjoy. I never want to take it for granted again! We will soon approach a crucial election and I pray for an outcome of righteousness and good government, whoever may come to power in our country and in each riding.

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