Sunday, October 04, 2015

Sunday afternoon Serendipity

Today I was in Kids' Church. We were learning about prayer and there were only three children there. The kids had had a long morning and they were having difficulty listening, but they did enjoy the craft and settled down enough to review what they had been learning this summer and fall so far. At the end I was treated to a gymnastic routine and some highland dancing... lovely!

It is too bad to miss the sermon, but I can listen online later, so it's all good. Last night I went to a dinner and concert at Redeemer University College. It was a wonderful evening. I was a little concerned about attending alone, but it wasn't bad. I ran into a class-mate's father again who now attends there at age 70! This makes it four times I have met him in the last few weeks. Small world! I also received a gift for becoming a member of Redeemer, so they weren't really making money off of me, especially since the delectable meal and concert were free. Such glorious music I have rarely heard in my life. I met some teachers who graduated in 2014 and were up north near the Manitoba border teaching. Their stories were very inspiring. I even chatted with the man who was president of Redeemer during my time there: Dr. Justin Cooper. I saw the pastor from my childhood and youth there as well, but spent more time talking to his kind and beautiful wife.

I have also been volunteering for my local political candidate and it's been an adventure so far. Next week my parents are out West visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and four grandchildren, so I will be left to my own devices except for my appointments, which are considerable. I should find plenty of time to volunteer while they are gone however. I also will be cooking a Thanksgiving meal for the first time. My Mom always has done it previously with very little help from me. I will cook up a chicken with stuffing and potatoes and there just has to be some kind of pie as well for dessert. My sister has agreed to handle the salad... This will be a true test of my abilities in the kitchen.

Last week I went to a Bible study on Wednesday evening and proceeded to win the most beautiful gift basket which was the only door prize there. I thought to myself, "I must not pray to win this door prize," but then I did win it... I guess God has his own ideas. Sometimes I suspect he has a sense of humour!

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