Friday, October 02, 2015

Friday Morning Journal

For this journal we are going back all the way to 1992 for the 125 year birthday celebration of Canada, when my family took our minivan and trailer all the way to Vancouver Island and back through the Northern States. This passage is taken from pages 40 and 41 of an 85 page journal. We are in Victoria, BC visiting my Mom's brother and his partner.

Tuesday July 7, 1992

Last night Uncle Al said something about cougars living on the island. Karen got all scared. She made me go out to the trailer first. We were really hyper last night. We acted sister-weird. We were doing a strange routine. I was doing things like a soldier and Karen like a ballerina. I was just chanting, "I am a sold-" I stopped- a man was staring at us. Karen followed my vision. We collapsed under a tree and laughed and laughed. "He must have thought we were dweebs," I said. Karen agreed.

We went to another museum. It was a nice museum but I have had enough of museums for five years. We had a normal lunch. At least I did. We had fish soup. Ew! Now we're going to the beach for a hike.

China Beach was beautiful. To get there you had to go on a hike though the woods. The trees were high and wide. We collected a few shells, waded in the ocean, and Karen and I built a sand castle. We called it Frogshead Castle. After awhile the tide went in so we made it so the water would fill the moat first. We were almost leaving when we found two more pretty shells. It's such a bother to take your shoes and socks on again... your feet are wet so I walked right into the water with my shoes to clean the shells. My shoes got all wet and they felt awful. Now we are heading back to Uncle Al's.

I have two postcards in the journal. One of a Grizzly Bear and one of Canadian geese. I also have taped in a collection of wildflowers labelled as to where I got them. I still have some of the rocks and shells I collected on this epic trip, the 1992 den Boer BC tour , as our Aunt Carol labelled it.

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