Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Whimsical Wednesdays- "Winter Ballet"

I wrote this poem in grade 12 English class. I included it in an anthology I did for Writer's Craft in OAC's. It was inspired by my time out in the country, lying in the snow-covered field  at my grandparent's house.

Winter Ballet

Pixie dust whirls around
My soft down-covered bed
A white blanket muffles the countryside.
As far in the distance
A whistle calls.
A dog barks,
And my heart
Beats a steady rhythm.

Lost in the white silence,
The gentle breath of wind,
The swirl of flakes,
I rest in winter's embrace.
I breathe out icy clouds
Which swirl away
To join
The ballet of the snow.

Just for fun. Here is a poem I wrote at school when I was eight from the same anthology. I illustrated it as well with a picture of a whale and a black haired observer leaning out from the sea, perhaps on a boat. I have left the spelling errors and improper lines in for a more authentic feel.

O Great Whale I love your tail for it is
very pretty. But great Whale why are
they taking you to the city? Will they turn 
you into rocks What about pink pokadots? O Great
Whale I love your tail. But I am filled with pitty
for you are going to the city.

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