Tuesday, November 27, 2018


These last few weeks, as I have adjusted to living on my own, and learnt how to take care of myself, while in a dating relationship, have been full of joys and triumphs as well as trepidation and insecurity.

Mostly I am glad to be alive and I feel excitement to grow and stretch in ways I haven't before. For a relationship that began as a friendship and progressed into a getting to know you phase, it has proceeded slowly and with caution.

In the meantime, I am drawing closer in my relationship to God, and being blessed by Christian friends, family, and the Bible studies I attend on Tuesdays and sometimes on Fridays at the hospital. I also am reading a book called "Blessing Your Spirit" by Sylvia Gunther and Arthur Burk. I am on day 15 of a forty day journey, and so far it has been amazing.

Today there was an opportunity for testimonies, so I gave one that was short and succinct. I was surrounded by love and support and hugs. Next week is our Christmas potluck/ jewelry sale. I will miss the Bible study during the Christmas hiatus.

I spent the afternoon with my boyfriend. It was a fun, low-key time. We went to the library and then we watched a movie and he cooked dinner which was delicious.

He's meeting my family soon and I'm meeting his. It is a little anxiety-inducing, but I think it will be okay. Being vulnerable is difficult, but you have to open yourself up to receive love.

I believe in the promises of God for a good future and a hope, and I receive grace, love, and peace. My joy is fathomless, my love is strong and the river of peace is wide and I'm just knee deep.


Mrs. Gryce said...

EEEKKS! Suzanne, that's super exciting! I'm so happy for you! It may be a bit early to suggest this, but I know you enjoy reading....I just finished reading "How We Love" by Milan & Kay Yerkovich, which was a huge eye-opener. I also highly recommend "Love & War" by John & Stasi Eldredge. Blessings!

Suzanne said...

Thanks Mrs. Gryce,

It is still early days, but thanks for the recommendation. I will look up those titles and I am sure I will appreciate them. I've read John and Stasi Eldredge before.

I sometimes wonder about my ability to perservere, but that is a result of my past, and I am trying to live moment by moment

Thanks for your comment and your friendship across the distance.