Friday, November 09, 2018


It is also a wonderful thing to witness God's preservation that keeps us from sliding backwards and being entangled in the traps of the enemy. For the enemy has many ways and uses many devices to ensnare our minds and draw it away from the Truth. Then our souls are lulled asleep with false hopes and we lose the feeling of enjoyment of true life and power... And do not pay careful attention to the desires of the body, but instead, trust the Lord. Though you are weak and small, and though you may fall into the company of those who are more clever than you and are able to trick you by their reason, and though you may not have an answer to their arguments, you know and can feel God's pure Truth in your spirit. Desire only to have that life brought forth in you and to have your spirit renewed and changed by God's power. (Isaac Penington, Waiting for Breathings from His Spirit, Devotional Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups: A Renovare Resource for Spiritual Renewal, Edited by Richard J. Foster and James Bryan Smith, p 207-208).

Isaac Pennington lived from 1617-1680, the son of the mayor of London, who joined the Quakers, then called the Society of Friends, and stood firm against the Establishment, being imprisoned six times and in jail for 5 years total. In the Society of Friends, waiting on the Holy Spirit and silence while you wait was key, as is the growth that comes through suffering for the gospel. His words speak comfort and light, hope and peace to all who suffer loss and grief.

Therefore do not be grieved at your situation or be discontented. Do not look at the difficulty of your condition, but instead, when the storm rages against you look up to him who can give you patience and can lift your head over it all and cause you to grow. If the Lord did not help us with his mighty arm, how often would we fall! If God helps you in proportion to your problems you should have no reason to complain, but rather to bless his name.

God is exceedingly good and gracious and tenderhearted. He does not turn away from the afflictions of his people in any way. This I share in tender love towards you, with breathings to our Father, that his pleasant plant may not be crushed in you by the foot of pride or violence, but instead, may overgrow it and flourish the more because of it (From thy truly loving Friend in the Truth, and for Truth's sake.) Ibid, p 210)

In my 38 years, I've eaten good and bad spiritual food, and I've been part of good and faulty prayers, but one thing that has never happened is that I have never lacked for nourishment either spiritually or physically. I grew up knowing and loving the Bible and though I didn't get braces as a young teenager, due to my Dad being in the process of starting his own business, the braces weren't necessary to my physical health. My mental health issues were very difficult for me and for my loved ones, but they led to a deepening and broadening, which wouldn't have happened otherwise. Prayer should come by the Spirit, and not the flesh or will or human wisdom, according to Penington (Ibid, p 210), and praying in haste, may cause you to repent at leisure.

For example, pray for God to break and mold and use you, and you are in for a bumpy ride, much like a rollercoaster or a ship at sea in the storm. Jesus' words in John 6:52-59, caused many to turn aside from following him, because they were difficult. But Peter said it best, when asked if he would turn away, "Who would we follow then: you have the Words of Eternal Life."

That I should stumble upon Penington's words right now, after not looking at My Devotional Classics book for about three years, is not happenstance. It was the spiritual food I needed to consume and meditate upon. It does so by reminding of the importance of silence, Bible reading, and prayer, according to the Will of the Father, by the Power of Christ's blood, and by Quickening of the Holy Spirit.

By the way, Happy Remembrance Day this weekend. Let's recognize all those who fought and died, for Canada's freedom. My grandfathers did not fight in the war, but they could have been casualities, as my Grandpa was in hiding, and my Opa could have been seized as well, to work for the Germans during WWII. Other wars were also very traumatizing to our veterans, including the war in Afghanistan, and we do well to remember our soldiers' sacrifices.

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