Friday, December 21, 2018

The Valley of Decision

Some decisions can have long-ranging impacts on the rest of your life. One of them is a choice of a career. Another is a choice of a spouse. While you can always switch careers or career streams, hopefully you go into a marriage with the intention of remaining with your partner for life.

That's why careful consideration should be made of whether the person you select as a potential mate is suitable and compatible. No one is perfect, but are there any red flags that cause you to hesitate?

You can fall in love so easily, but will you be able to stay in love with this person during rough seas? Do you love them enough to face any disaster together or crisis? Are there signs that you can work well together? How do you handle a disagreement or conflict?

You don't have to be identical in all your viewpoints or strengths, but you should complement one another and be working for the same goals. If there is something about your partner that you wish you could change, you have to ask yourself could you handle it if the person never changed in that area.

I'm only in the beginning stages of a relationship, and I admit to questioning whether our love can go the distance, with all the challenges we will face. I want to be clear-eyed and alert, and not clouded by unrealistic expectations. I don't want to face misery later, when I wake up from my dream scenario and realize relationships are hard work and there are certain behaviours I cannot tolerate.

I haven't come to a firm conclusion. I think I will maintain a prayerful watchfulness, and listen closely to the voice of God, in whatever form it comes. In the end, the decision to continue pursuing the relationship is up to me.

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