Monday, December 17, 2018

Soul Prints

There's some people you could never forget. They come into your life and leave their imprint on your heart and soul. They might disappear or grow distant, but they were your friend and nothing can ever change that.

I've said goodbye to many friends. Usually it is not even that we had a falling out, we just grew in different directions or moved locations or no longer had time and energy to maintain a bond. In some cases I'm not even sure what happened, but I knew it was over. Other times I hurt people or became offended at people while I was unwell which is why I likely will never return to Facebook, the scene of the worst of my crimes. Or I missed a critical meeting like a baby shower, with regrets, or a visit that I couldn't participate in, because I was in the hospital.

I've come to see regretting the end of friendships is not productive. Better to remember the friend with fondness and move on. If you did hurt someone, it is important to apologise, if it is in your power.

I have had to let go of a dear friend, with whom I had a toxic relationship, and that was very difficult. Yet she wrote me a heartfelt email that granted closure to our friendship. She released me with a blessing, and I know she always had the best in mind for me in her heart. I will never forget her, and I will remember her prayers for me and how much she cared over the years.

I have a few close friends who are very important to me. I rely on them, and I try to a dependable friend to them as well. The reality is you can't always rely on friends or be entirely trustworthy yourself. There are no perfect friendships; there is only one perfect friend and I depend upon him and cling to him fiercely when there appears to be no solid ground beneath my feet.

I am grateful for friends who give so much love and support to me. I am thankful for fellow believers who pray for me. I even treasure acquaintances who care enough to give a listening ear. I truly am blessed.

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