Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Lovely Evening and a Beautiful Day!

I enjoyed a ladies get together at the home of a member of my small group. I love these ladies, even though I am not well acquainted with all of them. There are some my parent's age, and older, some in their forties with grown kids, some in their thirties with kids, some in their younger twenties with husbands, and some single and in their twenties. The setting was perfect with beautiful gardens and a pool. The appetizers alone were spectacular, the drinks were wonderful, the main dinner was delectable, the dessert was exquisite, but most importantly the fellowship was amazing. I was only slightly disappointed only four of us decided to go in the pool... it was one of those kidney shaped pools surrounded by flowers and gardens, and of course the water was warm.

When I arrived home I had a delightful time with my sister and her best friend who was sleeping over. I love this woman's sense of humour and I consider her my fifth sister... not that I need more sisters I just consider her family. We were rather noisy and boisterous, but they say that laughter is the best medicine...

I had a good rest and now I am meeting a friend for lunch at noon... a meeting that is highly anticipated and should be wonderful. Maybe I can buckle down to some studying before then... I am not holding my breath!


Belinda said...

Thank you for your comment on Whatever He Says.

I see from your profile that you love so many of the same movies I love, even those I didn't list (and music too.) A kindred spirit.


Suzanne said...

Thanks Belinda... I love your blog! It is an important part of my daily routine now. I guess we are both of the race that knows Joseph (that's an obscure LM Montegomery reference from one of the later Anne books, but you probably know that, being a kindred spirit, and all). I love how real you are in your writing, and the message of your blog is always inspiring. So thanks for your comment on my blog! God bless you in every way, including giving you an improved, full and deep night's sleep!