Sunday, December 19, 2010


I haven't been inspired lately to write on this blog. And I haven't been all that inspired by life either. I've been busy with nursing school, and I am now halfway through. I have about three weeks off now, and I am contemplating restarting a crocheting project again so I have more to do than Christmas baking and eating of Christmas baking.

This time of year I miss Grandpa and Grandma who have been gone now for three years. Lately I have been feeling a little on the melancholy side. It is easy to forget how far I've come. It is easy to focus on what I don't have.

Christmas time is a time to remember how God became incarnate as a baby and what this gift meant to the world. Grant that I can see it again with eyes of wonder and be filled with joy.


kelvin s.m. said...


I just wanted to wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas...^^

Feliz Navidad!!! Dios nos bendiga a todos!!!^^


Suzanne said...

Thanks Kelvin. Merry Christmas to you too and God bless you!